Sunday 5th June 2022, la Romberg presents “Il Sogno del Latte” (The Dream of Milk).
Based on a beautiful title that introduces the latest Venice Biennale - where the territory of what is female is amplified in a surprising ethnographic form - we wanted to reflect on the moral consequences of that sentence, on the generative value that a title produces in its exogenous wave. The Milk of Dreams has thus become The Dream of Milk, practically beginning from the first desire of every terrestrial mammal, from that spontaneous instant in which milk introduces babies to the enjoyment of the only vital dependence on another being. Milk as an innate and pure desire, the first fuel of our engine, a liquid introduction to a ritual - nutrition - that will shape future actions and habits, the processes of acquisition and sedimentation, our entire way of living in the world.
That milk will remain an unconscious imprint in adulthood, when education and culture stratifies our social identity, when we have forgotten the moment in which everything took shape. But the substance of every plausible form will always return to the desire for milk, to that dream of white that will allow every form of writing, every colour, every decision, every experience.
The Dream of Milk leads our gaze towards the female universe that generates life from the first cellular instant. Artists who draw, paint, embroider, photograph, paste, cut, shape ... different artists, each with their own creative imprinting and their own productive tone, each with their own autonomy that goes beyond the "political" rituals of gender, each with their own roots and their own horizon for tomorrow.
Although every artist embodies a visual property, there is a trace of identity that runs through every female creation: and it is the trace of a dream that for women becomes a related production, that is to say, the dimension of milk as the vitality of the living, liquid wealth that unites biology to transcendence, science to magic, beauty to the sense of the world. The Dream of Milk is that white thread that sews together the space and time of the creative ritual. A resistant thread that cuts through the skies and crosses the Earth to come out on the opposite side, sewing us humans into the infinite spread of the universe. The Dream of Milk resides in the hidden heart of every work that comes from a female vision, a silent dream with the innate energy of a continuous yearning for the gift.
It is the offering of the gift that unites the works of this exhibition, weaving a homogeneous storyline in which the necessary individualities draw the shape of a dream come true. A dream that generates gifts.