curated by Italo Bergantini

September - November 2013

17th Floor and Ground Floor

ROMBERG Arte Contemporanea + ROOMBERG ROMBERG'S Project Space - Latina (Italy)

Installation view Romberg Arte Contemporanea 17° floor

Installation view Roomberg Romberg's Project Space. ground floor


... Daydreaming, this is undoubtedly the hyperbole of thought and of the romantic way of life, balanced between day and night, between dream and reality, between pleasure and pain. If Menichelli, as a man, suffers in his randonneé in Nature, collecting the vegetal memories of his alternating seasons, on the other hand he has a country to return to and this country is Art. He looks for durability, this is why he manages to make the ephemeral material which are part of the biological cycle, like plants, leaves, and shrubs, seem eternal. He collects them in order to bring them into the timeless dimension of art, he shields them from time, making them into a work of art, his work of art. ...

Excerpt from "Between art and nature" by Valerio Deho. Browse the book Romberg Edizioni.


... Sognare ad occhi aperti, certo, questa è l’iperbole del pensiero e della vita romantica, in bilico tra giorno e notte, tra sogno e realtà, tra piacere e dolore. Ma Menichelli se come uomo soffre in questo suo randonneé in mezzo alla Natura, a raccogliere le memorie vegetali delle sue alterne stagioni, dall’altro ha una patria a cui tornare e questa patria è l’arte. Cerca durevolezza, non a caso riesce a rendere eterni i materiali effimeri che fanno parte del ciclo biologico come le piante, le foglie, gli arbusti. Le raccoglie per portarle dentro la dimensione atemporale dell’arte, le ripara dal tempo, facendole diventare un’opera, la sua. ...

Tratto dal testo "Tra arte e natura" di Valerio Deho. Sfoglia il libro Romberg Edizioni.

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